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Take some time for yourself with these free videos focusing on self-acceptance, joy, love and fulfilment.
- Joseph Kaye

How my journey of growth as got me to where I am today.

My Story, My Mission

Discover the one equation for life that controls your quality of life. This one idea is either working for you or against you.

How To Take Control

Many people struggle to manage multiple tasks or demanding tasks and get overwhelmed and then shut down. This only leads to more feelings of frustration and overwhelm. This one life hack will help you feel back in control and calmer and will supercharge you to get more stuff

How To Think

Decisions lay at the heart of our lives. If we want to move from where currently stand to a better quality and joyful life then we must have a healthy approach to make decisions. There videos will help untangle the decisions making process so that it will become easier to make those

How To Make Decisions

If you want to overcome pain then you must shift your attitude towards pain. This idea will set you free to become a master of your life.

How To Overcome Pain

If you want to move beyond your challenges and reach your desired destination then you must own this thinking process.

How To Overcome Challenges

Many people wake up each morning and ask ‘what do I have to do today?’, how depressing. These videos will show you how to wake up each morning and ask ‘what do I want to do today?’, how liberating and exciting!

A Value Driven Life

There is one thing we all want in life. One thing that we are all searching for, and ,there is one thing that we all crave. We all want to feel worthy. We want to feel lovable and incredible on the inside. We want that basic feeling of self-worth; that feeling of acceptance of ourselves to know that we are enough right now in this very moment. Unfortunately, so many people feel that they are not enough. They just don’t feel it internally. Their only solution is to to in those instances is to look outwards to seek and ‘buy’ and find this core emotional need. They become enslaved to material things, objects and to other people’s validation to make them feel that they are good enough. This has terrible negative consequences and will impact our happiness and ability to feel free and live our lives to the fullest. Self worth and acceptance of self is key for a happy and fulfilling life. It's the one emotion that we all want to feel. In these videos you will discover the one common mistake that people make that holds them back from feeling this all encompassing feeling and it will set you free.

Self Worth, Love and Acceptance

I was overweight and eating like an animal. I had little control of what and how much went into my mouth. Today, I regularly fast for 15+ hours. I am not recommended this approach for you, however, it just shows a complete change with my relationship to food.

Weight Loss and Healthy Living

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